I think it's a pretty widely known thing that people like debating and, even more so, people like being right. The recent Copenhagen Climate Summit is, I think, a good example of why debate doesn't often lead to resolution; especially large scale debates between nations or other big groups. The Summit did result in an agreement, but nothing legally binding. So, basically, all talk and little action; keeping up appearances.
Put simply - each person has their own ideas, views and beliefs which they believe to be right, and don't like being challenged. If a resolution requires an agreement between ALL individuals, with no exception, it's going to be very difficult to reach that agreement, since at least one person will likely have their views challenged. Much of the time it seems to come down to principle and pride rather than facts and figures, simply because people don't seem to want to admit defeat.
Global warming and climate change are controversial issues. To a lot of people, admitting the reality of the situation, and even its existence, means admitting to human fault; to their OWN fault. Whether human influenced climate change is minimal or absolute doesn't seem so important; it's the fact that believing human involvement would require people to admit to errors in their ways and have to change in ways which may inconvenience them.
I think the best idea that has been introduced so far is that, whether climate change and global warming are issues or not, it can't be denied that the world has problems with pollution and environmental destruction, and we should be acting responsibly on principle.
Basically, it seems that pride and principle are two major factors limiting progress.
Of course there are other factors, but the fact that debates can go on for so long without reaching any satisfactory resolution on conclusion suggests that the debate is pretty self-serving to people and nations. Economic, religious and cultural factors obviously play a part, but when it comes down to it, there's too much pride and stubbornness in the world. It is human nature though.
Totally agree! Unfortunately humanity will never progress unless we learn to let go of our own ego, this will require a shift in the way the world works in its entirety. It's a catch 22 due to the way children are brought up and it will only get worse.