Sunday, October 31, 2010

Procrastinating between right and wrong

Who is wrong and who is right?

Who is bad and who is good?

Is it not more important to follow our own beliefs and values – and defend these – instead of criticising another nation for what we believe they are doing wrong?

By this, I am definitely not suggesting I believe that rituals pertaining to various cultural traditions are always acceptable (especially those involving cruelty to animals); far from it, in fact. What I am saying is that rather than determinedly targeting other societies for their ‘wrongdoings’, people should consider what is going on in their own society and evaluate whether they are truly abiding by their own beliefs and values ... or being complete hypocrites.

Society is full of individuals with one thing in common – desire constantly prevails over belief.

I was thinking today about all the stories in which good prevails over evil ... the protagonists ultimately defeating any bad guys. In stories, of course, there is generally a well established good and bad side (although again, this is culture targeted and therefore good and bad is only a perception). This led me to consider what is going on around the world at present; various disputes, different allegations, and different levels of reward and punishment being allocated to those individuals deemed worthy or guilty enough for them.

Perhaps war / international debate is a global-scale form of procrastination for each nation to clean their own territory’s ... or perhaps it is more a defence / denial mechanism. Is it easier to place blame for different issues on another state or nation? In this case, I ask: who is wrong and who is right?

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